RMC Jacksonville Closure

The ChartFast platform allows you to manage requests for your medical records with the click of a button!


Submit your requests, check status, and make payment all online without the need to physically visit your providers’ offices.  Records are released electronically back to you once payment is applied in our platform (for requests that require payment).




To make a request for new records:


Create your account at www.chartfast.com


Under new Requestor click “Register








For Requestor Type, if you are a patient wanting records for yourself or to send to another physician choose “Patient” from the dropdown box


Fill out all information with a red asterisk *, be sure to check the boxes at the bottom left agreeing to privacy policy and terms and conditions then click the blue “Submit”  button.





You will receive an email to confirm your account (be sure to check your Spam/junk folder if you do not see the email).  If you do not receive the email please reach out to ChartFast at 678.829.4700 x2025.





Once confirmed you can go back to www.chartfast.com to request your medical records.

Click the green “Request Your Records” button to login to the ChartFast platform


Sign in with the user name and password that you created.  Once you log in you will see the screen below.






Click the green “Make a New Request for Records” button


Click the drop down boxes and select the following;

State – Alabama

City – Jacksonville

Custodian/Hospital Name – Jacksonville Medical Center


Fill out all information with a red asterisk *.  You will need to upload an authorization form or letter stating you would like your records.


Check the “HIPAA” button on Authorization type, then click the “Upload Authorization” button to upload your saved authorization/letter.



Once you have filled out all necessary information (all fields with a red asterisk * and uploaded your authorization letter) click the blue “Save and Send to Custodian” button at the bottom.




ChartFast will receive notification and begin processing your request.


Once completed, you will receive an email to login and retrieve and/or pay for the records (should there be a charge associated with the type of request you are making.)


If you have any question about this process, please reach out to us at 678.829.4700 x2025